Tag Archives: cutter

Self hate. A force which is underestimated.

Imagine that for years of your life you have been told you are worthless, useless, pathetic, fat, ugly, evil, stupid and you deserve nothing in life, that anything you have earned was mere luck because you do not deserve an ounce of success because you are a waste of organs.
Imagine this voice is yourself.

You look in a mirror and you see nothing but flaws and the reflection disgusts you and knocks you sick to the pit of your stomach, you spit at your reflection and you scream abuse at it because words cannot describe how much you utterly despise it. You may even cut burn, bruise, do anything to harm this vile reflection because it’s not changing.

You speak and you hear nothing but pure stupidity and utter ridiculousness. You curse yourself mentally, questioning why you even speak because everyone is thinking what a failure you are. Your opinion counts for nothing and you will never amount to anything. 

How can we succeed at anything if we continue to think like this? Somehow, we need to stop. With therapy I’m realising that all these things I have thought in my head since I was 8, aren’t normal. My self hatred has held me back all my life and I’m making a pact right now to stop, and I want everyone who bothers to read this to join me. Will you? Please?

It’s like a roller coaster.

Having depression is like a roller coaster. A really crappy one, you either feel like staying in bed all day because there’s nothing worth moving for and nothing seems worth any effort, or there is days when you get out of bed and attempt to face the world in all it’s shit glory. And you never know which day is.going to be which.
When does the ride stop? Because I want to get off.